Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Animation Courseat NMC by Andrew Woodvine

On the Animation course my experience, at first, was I thought it was boring. But as I pressed on, I got to know Chris and what animation entailed, and now I’m enjoying it so much that I’ve started animating at home! So far I’ve achieved 7 out of 10
seconds of my animation - it’s taken a while but I’m pleased with what I’ve done.

I would recommend this class to other people because I felt that I was given freedom to use any program and any technique to complete my work. This is unlike previous courses I’ve done where you’re sometimes limited to what has been set in a brief, or by the tutor. I felt happier choosing how I went about animating. I like doing the course at the NMC because it’s a familiar place as I also attend for physio there and know a few people. That makes it more comfortable as sometimes it can be difficult talking to new people, but as I say the NMC is a familiar place so it makes talking to people easier. I also feel I’ve made friends on the course so that makes going more fun. By the end of this course I hope to gain some knowledge and skills in Photoshop as well as animation and I hope to have maybe gained some friends. All in all I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the course and would do it again.
Do you fancy creating an animation like Andy? Would you like to do a taster session? Please go and see Kay in the training department or drop us an email: dee.valkering@nmcentre.com

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