Monday 1 August 2016

Exercise in the NeuroMuscular Centre

Here at the NMC we encourage everyone to exercise to the best of their ability and are set up to accommodate all activity levels. Previously it was thought that doing exercise as somebody with a neuromuscular condition would ultimately do more damage than it would good. However now the research is beginning to show that exercising at the right level for the right amount of time can have huge benefits.  

Some of the benefits of exercise include;  
* Maintaining range of motion in muscles and around joints, as the body moves during the exercises it is stretching the muscles and lubricating the joints. Recent studies have shown that exercise can have a similar effect on the muscles as stretching in terms of maintaining elasticity.  
* Improved muscle strength. Regular exercise will cause any muscles used to change and adapt. Exercising regularly against resistance will cause the muscles to get stronger allowing them to cope with the resistance applied. 
* Improved cardiovascular fitness. As the body is put through exercise the heart and lungs have to work at an increased rate to supply the body with enough oxygen to function. Doing this for a prolonged time can have long term benefits of the heart and lungs being more efficient, reducing heart rate and blood pressure. 
* Weight loss. Regular exercise is a key factor in aiding weight loss and when coupled with a healthy and balanced diet can show fast, healthy results. 
* Anti-depressant. Chemicals in the brain called endorphins which create the feeling of pleasure are released during exercise. This can have an antidepressant effect for an individual. 

Here at the NMC, the Physiotherapy team will be able to guide you through appropriate exercises and gradually build up your activity level as your fitness increases. There is a large range of equipment available working all areas of the body.  

We have three sets of "pedals" available to use. These include both arm and leg pedals which can be adjusted to any ability using the different resistance or assistance settings giving the upper and lower limb muscle groups a great workout and challenging the cardiovascular system to provide for the body. Anybody is able to use them whether in a wheelchair or able to walk. 

The cross trainer is a very clever piece of equipment allowing users to stand upright fully supported around all the major joints. It requires a Nordic ski movement, similar to a walk but with no bend at the knees. This is a full body workout which will activate every muscle and work the cardiovascular system to a high level. 

The recumbent bike is similar to the leg pedals however is only available to non-wheelchair users and focuses on lower limb muscle groups and the cardiovascular system. 

The rower is a current favourite in the department. Fully adaptable to all service users it pushes the cardiovascular system more than other machines. The resistance can be changed to suit any level of activity giving the whole body a very beneficial challenge. 

The department is always getting new equipment and is soon to be getting an accessible gym full of machines and spaces to exercise safely under the supervision of the physiotherapy team. If you or anyone who uses the centre is interested in exercising regularly do not hesitate to ask the physio team for any help or advice. 

Bryn Edwards  

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